
Another great day.

February 21, 2021.

Another great date. You leave your house believing you’re just going to walk your body, thanking it for all the services that it gives you, and you come back home with a whole adventure, full of AlhaMdulillaaahhhh.

😊 What an explosion of being… ahhhh

As I walked towards the Corniche this morning, longing to see again the nests of the Oriols, I wonder, again, the perfection of these monumental architectural jewels, performed by what would seem anonymous birds. I observe them in awe for a while, in contemplation and contentment. My heart sings.

I continue my step-by-step walk, enjoying my wonderful every breath. It is now the laughter of happy children that calls my attention. What a wonder it is to see 5-6 kids, enjoying running and playing in the Corniche area, which is supposed now to be limited to only walking, no lingering on the same place.  These kids are not walking. They are actually in one spot, playing, as the two mothers coach them in that flow of joy. My heart sings.

With my heart full of admiration for these ladies, who dared to not follow the fear, my feet walk towards them, saluting them from heart to heart, ending in sincere hugs.

How can it  get better than this?

I continue towards my home where a beloved friend will visit me;  now, with my heart super flooded with joy, the encounter with my friend is orgasmic. Shada and I again weave magic as we hug, cry, smile and simply create in constant motion. As usual.

Now it’s time to go visit Inas, a person that I have since the minute we met, hosted in my heart without any effort, melting into one huge Trust, with capital T.

As I reach the second floor, now really my heart  over-flooding, I enter an office that greets me with multiple youth smiles. My wild joy, stirred to the max, now explodes into a physical, audible song. Whatever song came out from my heart, flowing to and fro  making us all converge naturally. We all melted in one pot of celebration to life.

Instantly, we all hugged, although all of them were new faces. I had been in this office five years back with great memories of life celebration. We had had a “Decide to be happy and stay happy no matter what”  workshop, where everybody decreed  their dreams with date and signature. One of them was Inas, who managed to come to peace with her fear of overweight, reaching her balanced body weight as manifested.

Hugging Inas, ‘going back to Rome’ where  her sweet daughter Mariam got married as decreed five years back in that same office, again the sparkle of Creation in constant motion was lit. We went to the balcony, meeting her crew on the way.

Explosion! Super explosion!!

Hugs, smiles, surprise, wonder, all this youth filled with desire to live no matter what. I feel orgasmically blessed. In the most incredible spontaneous way, we booked the happiness workshop on March 4.

I feel extremely grateful to be able to share how everyone can be able to remember the Own Divinity, hence see it, feel it in everyone else, walking fluidly on the path of contentment and peace.

So here we are, sweet Inas and crew, again, creating in constant motion, weaving magic.

Wa alHaMdullilahhhh.


Staying focused in peace